Interested in selling virgin hair? Here's how!

A wholesale sample package can be purchased for $275 (valued at $350) that includes:

1-18" Straight bundle

1-18" Body wave bundle

1-18" Loose wave bundle

1-18" Kinky curly bundle

of the origin of your choice

(Brazilian, Malaysian, Peruvian, Indian)

purchased on our website.

To place a wholesale order please pay the wholesale inquiry deposit. Then send us an email at with the number of bundles, lengths, and origin that you wish to order. You will be sent an email within 24-36hrs with a price for your order and a paypal invoice. You deposit fee will be discounted from you total.

A inquiry fee is charged to ensure time is not wasted negotiating with our distributor to get you lowest price possible!

Here are examples of some wholesale quotes we have given customers recently.

12"  x5

14"  x5

16"  x6

18"  x6

20"  x6

22" x6

24" x6

26" x3

28" x3


46 bundles


12" x10

14" x10

16" x10

18" x10

20" x10

22" x10

24" x10

26" x10

28" x10


90 bundles


feel free to contact us with any questions at!